I’m Not a Nag … Am I?

I’m Not a Nag … Am I?

I’ll never forget the first time my husband accused me of being a nag. To hear that word come out of his mouth was upsetting, even disturbing. In my newlywed mind, I thought I would never end up like that … and so soon after our wedding, too! I don’t...
I’m Glad They Stayed Together

I’m Glad They Stayed Together

Everyone was particularly chatty the night my husband and I went to my parents’ house for dinner. The pre-dinner conversation was filled with stories from years gone by. We brought up a bunch of “remember whens,” and we all enjoyed reminiscing and bonding together as...
Obsessing Over Love

Obsessing Over Love

The whole world seems obsessed with love. The music industry, Hollywood, and thousands of years of literature have focused on the idea of loving and being loved. Someone said, “I once asked an old man: Which is more important—to love or to be loved? He replied: which...
From Winter to Spring

From Winter to Spring

My young son, looking out the window at dark dead trees against a foggy gray sky, uttered this profound question, “What is it about winter that causes so many flowers to bloom in spring?” If a person visited earth in winter, he would have no idea that in a few short...